Being asked to create new organisation? Please get in contact with [email protected] and a member of our team will be able to help you complete your setup.
Welcome to Oxford Reading Buddy. Follow the steps below to get your school up and running.
Creating your school account
The teacher who purchased Oxford Reading Buddy for your school will be the Organization Administrator and the first member of staff invited. If this is you, you will receive three emails: a welcome email, and two emails relating to your organization’s account.
The second two emails will confirm the addition of the Oxford Reading Buddy subscription to your organization and prompt you to create your Oxford ID. Follow these steps to create your school account. Alternatively, book an appointment with a member of our team to help with your school set up.
Click Create my Oxford ID.
Email prompting you to create your Oxford ID
Check the details in the registration form and choose a password to create your Oxford ID. Click Create my account. Oxford Reading Buddy registration form
Your Oxford ID has now been created. Your next step is to create your school account on Oxford Reading Buddy. Click Get Started.
Your Oxford ID has been created
Enter the username and password you confirmed when your registered your Oxford ID.
Fill in the form to register your school on Oxford Reading Buddy. Click Continue.